2017 Symposium II – Thomas F. Bertonneau
Is Practicality Practical? Is practicality practical? The answer is, probably not, or at least that it is hard to tell, and that practicality, in any…
Is Practicality Practical? Is practicality practical? The answer is, probably not, or at least that it is hard to tell, and that practicality, in any…
Aesthetic subjectivism, or “relativism,” is the view that beauty is solely in the eye of the beholder. The term “relativism” is sometimes used to indicate…
Every Sabbath, Christians in the Middle East face the too-real possibility of martyrdom. As they wash their face in the morning, they catch themselves in…
It is a common-place assumption that brains generate consciousness. The fact that brain damage, drug use, sleep deprivation, etc., impair thinking seems to confirm the brain’s generative capacity….
Resentment combines hatred and love/desire. Self-hatred and dissatisfaction often leads to imagining that someone else has it better and to resentfully desiring to be that…
Identity: The Future of a Paradox When Publius Virgilius Maro, more familiarly Virgil, accepted the commission from Augustus, formerly Gaius Octavius, to create an…
Philosophy and The Crisis of the Modern World To find a way out of the current confusions and rifts in modern Western societies, and for…
In preparation for teaching a literature course in the 1950s, René Girard reread some of the classic novels. In the process he realized that the…
In a series of essays at SydneyTrads and The Orthosphere, Prof. Richard Cocks has developed a fascinating account of the “illogicality of determinism.”1 It’s refreshing…
The BBC obituary for Venner begins with the following sentence: “Dominique Venner, the far-right French essayist who shot himself before the altar of Notre Dame…