† Lawrence Auster †
(26 Jan. 1949 – 29 March 2013)
Requiscate in Pace
It is with considerable sadness that we report the passing of Lawrence Auster. The US traditionalist conservative essayist and prolific blogger surrendered into the Lord’s hands after a three year battle with pancreatic cancer.
Auster challenged liberalism on all of its conceited assumptions about the nature of man and society; in his speeches and writing, he spoke a truth no mainstream conservative would dare even think, for losing the electoral support of the ever-leftward drifting “centre”; he refused to buckle to the progressive trends of postmodern anti-society; but never fell into the dark and nebulous quagmire of bitterness and hate. May his soul rest in peace and may we follow in his example.
I have had this thought going back decades. I believe in two things: God, and white Western civilization. – Lawrence Auster, “My Highest Beliefs” View from the Right (19 March 2013 @ 10:24am)
The Requiem Mass is scheduled for 1 p.m. Tuesday 2 April, at the Church of St. Michael the Archangel, located at Holy Cross Catholic Church, 140 E. Mount Airy Avenue, Philadelphia PA. For updates and on the Mass, see the View from the Right page.
For more information, see Mark Richardson’s entry at OzConservative, Laura Wood’s entry at View from the Right. Readers are sending messages of condolence to The Orthosphere, The Thinking Housewife and SBPDL.
Auster’s “Unofficial Page” | View from the Right | SydneyTrads’ Auster Tag Index
– SydneyTrads Editors
Thank you for posting this.
Lawrence Auster touched the lives of many across the English speaking world, traditionalists and liberals alike. He was an inspiring teacher; his articles and arguments refined the critique of liberalism for conviction conservatives of the Old School living in a post modern world. Of course, his passing was a blow to us here in Australia as well. It is now our collective responsibility to keep his memory alive. We note that there is talk in the United States of a “Lawrence Auster Society” and even of a quarterly or monthly journal in his honour. This would be a fitting way to continue his mission.