The cover of “wSieci” magazine, Number 7 (168) (15-21 February 2016)
The current issue of the Polish conservative weekly wSieci features a cover on which a White woman is being violently clawed at by what appear to be men of Middle Eastern complexion. Breitbart has called this “one of the most politically incorrect illustrations of the migrant crisis to date.”¹
The website of wSieci states that: “The lead report in the new edition of the weekly wSieci addresses what the Brussels media elites have hidden from the citizens of the European Union.”² Two reports have been complied, one by Aleksandra Rybińska, “The Hell of Europe” (“Piekło Europy”) and another by Bronisław Wildstein, “Does Europe Want to Commit Suicide” (“Czy Europa Chce Popełnić Samobójstwo?”).
Wildstein states that Anglea Merkel’s insistence that so-called refugees from teh Middle East and North Africa be resettled in Europe will “open Pandora’s Box.” Rybińska writes:
The residents of Old Europe along with the events of the New Year’s Celebrations in Cologne have become sorely aware of the problems associated with the mass influx of immigrants. However, the first signs that matters have taken a turn for the worse appeared much earlier. Nevertheless, these signs were ignored or had their significance minimalised in the name of tolerance and political correctness.³

Page 20 of “wSieci” magazine, Number 7 (168) (15-21 February 2016)
This is what the mainstream press of a healthy country looks like: it is not afraid to notice the obvious. Thankfully, there are corners of Europe where resistance is not futile. Let’s hope that the sanity within these islands of hope will radiate out across the rest of the continent. Naturally, the established power-blocs in Berlin and Brussels will spare no efforts to crush the rise of the Visegrad Group. But what the Western “media elites have hidden from the citizens of the European Union” will become their own undoing. Bitter truths can only be suppressed so long, before the suppressors suffer a rude awakening – though often, when it’s too late for them to save their own skins.
– SydneyTrads Editors
- Oliver J. J. Lane, “‘Islamic Rape of Europe’ Polish Magazine Splashes ‘White Europa’ Girl Groped by Migrant Hands” Breitbart (17 February 2016) <breitbart.com> (accessed 18 February 2016).
- Editorial, “wSieci: Islamski Gwałt Na Europie” (13 February 2016) <wsieci.pl> (accessed 18 February 2016).
- Aleksandra Rybińska, cited ibid. This text also appears as the lead paragraph, on the right hand side of the second image reproduced in this post, above.
Further Reading:
- Cecil Lansdowne, “‘The Politics of Disarmament is Suicidal’” SydneyTrads (30 January 2016) <sydneytrads.com> (accessed 18 February 2016).
- Editorial, “The Year in Review: 2015, Year of the Quickening” SydneyTrads (1 January 2016) <sydneytrads.com> (accessed 18 February 2016).
- Editorial, “Rally Protesting Forced Mass Third-World Immigration, Warsaw Poland” SydneyTrads (12 September 2015) <sydneytrads.com> (accessed 18 February 2016).
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