2016 Symposium – Valdis Grinsteins
The failure of Utopian Europe The great advantage of seeing things from afar is that the whole can be appreciated without the observer being distracted…
The failure of Utopian Europe The great advantage of seeing things from afar is that the whole can be appreciated without the observer being distracted…
El Fracaso de la Europa Utopista. La gran ventaja de ver las cosas de lejos es que fácilmente observamos el conjunto y no nos distraemos…
Irremplaçables Communautés Les communautés, qu’elles soient anciennes ou récentes, de nature ethno-culturelle, linguistique, religieuse, sexuelle ou autre, sont des dimensions naturelles d’appartenance. Aucun individu ne…
Liberalism as a Religion The strange and increasingly nonfunctional condition of Western political and social life cannot easily be changed, because its causes are quite…
“It is very difficult for liberal public discussion to reject and suppress the clear indications of science and scholarship, but inclusiveness must do so in order to…
“Safe Schools Coalition is about supporting gender and sexual diversity. It’s not about celebrating diversity. It’s not about stopping bullying. It’s about gender and sexual…
“What we remark especially about the educational thought of the last few years, is the enthusiasm with which education has been taken up as an…
“LBGTI oppression and hetronormativity are woven into the fabric of capitalism […] This push to fit people into these physical and social gender constructs that promote…
“Do not suppose, that in thus appealing to the ancients, I am throwing back the world two thousand years, and fettering Philosophy with the reasonings…
The recent Higher School Certificate (HSC) results indicate that boys are more likely to make strategic subject choices, entering subjects that lead to career success….