2015 Symposium – Urho Lintinen
Impressions from the Old Continent I Introduction 2015 has seen steadily escalating polarization of political lines dividing European public sphere due to the re-emergence of…
Impressions from the Old Continent I Introduction 2015 has seen steadily escalating polarization of political lines dividing European public sphere due to the re-emergence of…
Only moments ago, Eliza Harvey of ABC24‘s free-to-air news referred to the perpetrators of the 2005 London Tube bombings as “British.” Not “British born”, but…
I A pervasive interest in the association of natural space with the sacred is a noticeable tendency in the work of some important Traditionalists. Tolkien,…
“Indeed, there is no model conservative due to the inherently variable nature of the human condition and the particular traditions that it creates. This will…
“That there is an individual spirit that breaths through a whole people, is participated in by all, though not by all alike; a spirit which…
“Moreover, as the philosopher Raymond Ruyer, detested by the left-bank intelligentsia, foretold in his two important works, Les nuisances idéologiques and Les cents prochains siècles,…
As to the previous essay on Existentialism, it could be surmised that man’s obligation to construct meaning in his own life is limited only to…
“Those who begin from a particular traditional civilisation are able to integrate it by freeing it from its historical and contingent aspects, and thus bring…
“Q. In what sense to you understand men and women to be different and in which way should societal and other institutional discrimination reflect those differences?”…
“Conservatism has different versions because its advocates disagree about what political arrangements would make a society good. There is, however, no disagreement about having to…