Quote of the Week: René Guénon, “Crisis of the Modern World”
“Finally, there remains one direct consequence of the democratic idea to consider, and this is the negation of the idea of an elite; it is…
“Finally, there remains one direct consequence of the democratic idea to consider, and this is the negation of the idea of an elite; it is…
“Prior to the advent of the civilization of the Third Estate (mercantilism, capitalism), the social ethics that was religiously sanctioned in the West consisted in…
“Now the doctrine of enlightened self-interest is not itself superficial. It has been held by profound thinkers like Aristotle and Buddha. But the self that…
“Ironically, it is now the managerial elite of international capital that is likely to complain of the false consciousness of those workers on whom the…
“The kind of property that sustains the traditional society is not only not hostile to a unified moral code; it is positively the basis of…
“Even so called ‘absolute’ monarchies were in practice limited by such private groups as an independent clergy, nobility, bourgeois Third Estate, guilds of workers and those real…
“The methods which revolutionaries, thus turned conservative, adopt are much the same everywhere in every age. The student of history might find a wry interest…
“Before preparing its next election denunciation of the ‘Red Menace,’ the Sane Democracy League and similar organisations should carefully study the ‘most favored-nation’ Agreement signed…
“The struggle for power, then, is not a bilateral conflict between ‘liberals’ like Ted Kennedy and conservatives like Ronald Reagan. It is a trilateral (pardon the…